Name: Joe.J.Johnson
Height: 8.3 ft (although his is always slumped over so he only stands at 6 ft)
Likes: moaning about everything, basketball, marshmallows and making others as miserable as he is.
Dislikes: soup(cant pick it up because of his fingers), low doors/ceilings and people who wont listen to him moaning. He also hates his job.
Mr Johnson is a bully, he always has been since he was a child and it stayed with him thought his adult life. Bullying others makes him feel better about his boring desk job, he wanted to be a basket ball player but whenever he got the ball it kept popping because of his spike finders.
The only thing he likes about his fingers is that they are good for picking up marshmallows. Because he does not like his job he is always moaning about it to who ever is around but it makes him moan even more if nobody will listen to his moaning.
Also his jobs cafeteria only ever serves soup, he hates soup because he cant pick up a spoon or pick it up with his fingers, no marshmallows are much better.
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